Hotels in Seville Spain

There are an abundance of great hotels in Seville Spain. We've stayed in quite a few and here are some good, safe and popular picks for an accommodation.

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Hotel Alfonso VIII – Built to house the world’s royal for the 1929 world’s fair hotel Alfonso VIII is chic, elegant, and first class. Many past and present royal families and celebrities have stayed here when they came to visit Seville. The hotel is conveniently located feet from the Seville’s cathedral, University, Parque Maria Luisa, and most of Seville main attractions. Even if you can only afford to stay one night in the hotel it will be well worth it. More information...

Gran Meliá Colon – Another great luxury hotel in Seville just a few minutes walks from the city’s main attractions. Each floor of the hotel is named after one of Spain’s famous artist. The roof top balcony offers stunning views of the city. Gran Meliá Colon is much less expensive from Hotel Alfonso VIII and still retains an air of luxury. More information...

Hotel Amadeus – Musicians and music lovers' ideal hotel with concerts regularly held here, a piano room, and each room named after a different composer. Hotel Amadeus has all the modern conveniences one would expect from a hotel, Wi-Fi, elevator, and a breakfast option. More information...

Hotel Doña Maria – Within steps of the cathedral and Alcazar you couldn’t ask for a better location. The best part about the hotel is it’s got a pool on the roof. Oh, by the way, it has an incredible view of the cathedral from the rooftop pool. More information...

Hotel Al-Ándalus – Located in the Heliopolis neighborhood by the Real Betis stadium this hotel is very big in comparison to most center city hotels. The interior is grand and well decorated. It has a great pool outside with a bar nearby to help quench your thirst. Vanessa and I have stayed here before and really enjoyed their buffet breakfast. Not in the center of things but that too is part of its charm. A six euro taxi ride to the center of town or hop on bus number 34 to the center of the action. More information...

Hotel Abanico – A very cute hotel just a short walk from the cathedral. Vanessa and I stayed here for our honeymoon so we are slightly partial to the hotel. The staff was very helpful, breakfast was so-so compared to hotel Al-Andalus. More information...

Hotel San Francisco – I have stayed here several times and two best things about this hotel are its location and its price. I will admit that it is not as plush as some of the other hotels I have mentioned but it is clean, simple, and comfortable.

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